Richard Ferrell

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ScB Engineering, MS Engineering-Economic Planning, MBA Finance

Richard Ferrell, founder and principal of Realty Capital Solutions ~ RCS ~, has 50 years of experience in real estate development and finance. RCS is a U.S. based affiliate of Senogles & Co. and is a firm specialising in real estate, real estate financing and hospitality.

Rick has advised the full spectrum of real estate stakeholders, from lenders, investment banks, government regulators and individual and institutional investors as well as borrowers and developers:

He has deep experience, in a variety of functional areas and in most real estate asset classes:

  • Project level development management and real estate capital origination – debt and equity; the management and resolution of problem loans and troubled real estate investments.

His experience has been applied during many real estate and financial downturns;

  • As a consulting and testifying expert in disputes involving real estate, finance and development and capital recovery on behalf of lenders and investors and government agencies;

  • And, as provider of forensic transaction analyses to support a broad range of investigations including fraud, misappropriation of funds and breach of fiduciary duty.

  • Mr. Ferrell holds an ScB in Engineering and an MS in Engineering-Economic Planning from Brown University and Stanford University respectively. Furthermore, he has an MBA with a concentration in Finance from the Stanford Graduate School of Business. He has lectured and taught real estate courses at Stanford, UC Davis and the University of Denver.