Steven Brookfield


Chartered Accountant ACA BSc

Steve qualified as a chartered accountant in 1989 and during his time at KPMG he gained experience in audit, corporate finance and corporate rescue.  

During his career, Steve has worked in the banking sector, the maritime sector, the engineering sector and for a number of years now in the sports industry, mainly in professional football clubs in England.

He has been engaged to actively assist football league clubs in financial difficulty.  In doing so, he has been involved in acquisitions and disposals of professional football clubs, in raising finance, in club strategy (and its implementation) and in all the day to day operational aspects of running a professional football club.

His strong financial skills,  his commercial business experience and proactive advice, has been appreciated by several football clubs - and also to the Football League.

Away from club management, he has also been involved in advising on football financial disputes at TAS / CAS in Lausanne, acting for FIFA and for European clubs.

Languages: English


Mobile: +44 7867 451 602